Papua Police Commander Shoot His Officer

November 2, 2009

Vice of Head of Puncak Jaya Papua Police Department, Commissioner Marselis had no choice. He shoots his officer Second Brigadier WF on left leg. WF famous as being a drunk and did brutality as long as his carrier. Now, WF is inpatient at hospital.
Papua Police Department Spokesman, High Commissioner Agus Rianto, Monday (2/11), said, shoot happened on last Friday at night. About 9 pm, WF with his 4 friend heavy drunk.
Although under controlled of alcohol, they had no worry to entering the office. Do not know what have he think, WF try to reach a weapon from front officer. His dangerous action had been known by Commissioner Marselis.
“The act is beyond police attitude. When commanded, WF is attacked and lifted a drum. He try to throw away it’s to officer and Marselis,” Agus speak.
So, Marselis had no choice beside to take his weapon and shoot WF’s left leg. A day after, victim brought to Jayapura.
Spokesman said Marselis shoot for three times. Last shot focusing to left leg because WF obeys his commander. On Papua Police Department reports, WF always drunk and be problem maker in Puncak Jaya. Big case he has made is made a problem with Army Officer.
Commissioner Marselis said WF offends be problem maker as fighting case between people, his friend, and army. “On one situation, we had red sign because of WF make a problem with army officer,” Marselis